Senior Apprenticeship & Leaders Program
Fostering Strengths of Future Leaders
Vocational Leaders' main goal is bring together the necessary elements so every child & young adult can have confidence they to can make thier American Dream a reality.
Roughly 38% of high school graduates do not enroll in a college or university. 20,000 children age out of foster care in our country. 97% will never gradate from college. 20% find themselves homeless. 50% are unemployed.
60% of youngmen who age out of foster care have been incarcerated.
71% of young women become pregnant within one year of leaving foster care.
38% of young adults who age out of foster care experience homelessness.
60% will be homeless, incarcerated, pregnant, drug addicted or dead within first year of aging out.
80% suffer from some form of mental illness.
Power in Numbers
Percent of H.S. Graduates
Attend College
Percent of Foster Children Will NEVER
Obtain a College Degree
Percent of H.S. Grads
Will Be